Confrides originates from a Muslim farmhouse called Aljofra, whose inhabitants moved to Confrides after an epidemic that decimated the neighborhood. There is no remnant of this town. After its conquest in 1264, Jaime I de Aragón donated the villa to Vidal de Sarriá. After two generations, it was ceded to the Infante D. Pedro, and later the Cardona and Ariza families ruled the jurisdiction of the town. During the second half of the fourteenth century and due to the war with Castile, Confrides was conquered by the Castilian troops and kept in their possession until 1364 when Pedro IV of Aragon recovered it. At the beginning of the 16th century, and as a consequence of the war of the Germanies, its Muslim population (between 120-160 inhabitants) was forced to convert to Christianity. The Mudejars of Confrides reluctantly accepted his forced conversion, and in 1526 they rebelled against the decision of the Junta. A few years before the expulsion of the Moors (1609), Confrides had about 240 inhabitants, mostly Moors, who put up a strong resistance against the expulsion and took refuge in the mountains of the Laguart Valley. In 1900, the town had 744 inhabitants, reaching its maximum in 1940 with 860 inhabitants.
L’Abdet, of Arab origin. In 1264, King Jaime I of Aragon handed it over to Vidal de Sarriá, who in 1271 was succeeded by his son, Bernardo de Sarriá, who in 1335 gave it to the infant Pere. Later, the houses of Cardona and Ariza would have the dominion. In fact, in 1502, a title of possession appears given to Alonso de Cardona in which “Alafdet” appears, possibly the name in Arabic without evolving. Soon after, in 1526, the Muslims revolted against the conversion order sent by Carlos I of Spain. With permanent fights against Castile, in 1609 they took up arms again, joining the Moorish refugees in the mountains of the Vall de Laguart until they were definitively expelled that same year, leaving the only twelve houses left behind. Subsequently, it was repopulated, and in the 18th century it already had twenty-five houses, reaching Confrides / L’Abdet 822 inhabitants.